2nd Annunal Ashtar Command International Gathering

October 16th,17th,18th,1998

The 2nd Annunal Ashtar Command International Gathering will be held at the Harley Hemsly Hotel, Enfield, Connecticut, in the United States October 16th, 17th, 18th, 1998 Full event information will be posted in a few days. Accomadations will be provided at special group rates of $79 per night. 4 people to a room.

Ashtar Command International Conclave
Co-Creativity And Planetary Service
Earths Entrance Into The Golden Age

The Ashtar Command Heart Center And Shasta Starseed Academy
Presents:The 1998 International Ashtar Command Gathering

When: Oct.16th, 17th, 18th
Friday evening: 8-11pm
Saturday & Sunday 9am-till

Where:The Harley-Hemsley Hotel
1 Bright Meadow Boulevard
Enfield,Connecticut 06082-1997

Directions:Take Exit 49 off Interstate I-91 North or South
For The Harley Hemsley Hotel
Special Group Rates up to 4 people per room $79
per night.
Reservations:You need to ask for the Ashtar Special group rates for the
weekend by calling Toll Free:1-800-321-2323

Commanders, Starseed, Lightworkers, You are invited to participate in anempowered gathering of like minded Souls here on Earth Assignment.

The Lords of Light and Sounds, both planetary and celestial arecurrently entering our physical society. The time we have been preparing for isnow here and each one of us has a role to play in this next stage of ourmission. The information to be shared that weekend is designed to take us acrossthe threshold and into 1999 the beginning of the Golden Age.

Join Ashtar-Athena(Commander Lady Athena),Dr. Solariel St. Mary-Michael, Commander Aleon of Earth-Kor Communications Base and othermembers of the Ashtar Galactic Command for a highly informative, fun andinspiring weekend.

Hear the latest news hot off the cosmic press....learn how to host thelanding visitors from other planets and dimensions, and how toeffectively fulfill your assigned mission in this one!

Updates and briefings from Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar and Lady Athena,Kadar Mon-ka and others. Hear about Sightings, Ever more Intricate CropCircles, World Wide Miracles and Healings, Appearances of Mother Mary,The Masters and Angels.....what is happening?....has the World Teachers Entered Our Modern World?

Do you Remember Who You Are, And Why You Are Here?
Fully Activate, Decode And Embody Your Highest Potential!

Tuition:$244.00 Preregistration Is Required by August 23rd or $255.00 At The Door $50(non-refundable) secures your place Please make checks payable

The Ashtar Command Heart Center
PO BOX 284
Mt. Shasta,CA. 96067

Where:The Harley-Hemsley Hotel 1 Bright Meadows Boulevard Enfield,CT. U.S.A.
Directions:Take Interstate I-91 North or South Exit 49 Your Their Shuttle Vans will be running from Bradley Int'L. Airport till midnight to the Hotel.Again to reserve your room call 1-800-321-2323

Namaste from the Ashtar Command

........................................................- CmdrAleon