All dimensional levels of this world are here and present right
now and interlinked. The key word here is wavelength. Wavelength is the key to the entire
universe. We live in a reality created solely by wavelength. The wavelength of our
third-dimensional world is 7.23 centimeters. That is, the average length of all objects
in this dimension, if you were to measure them, would be 7.23 centimeters.
The earth was originally a sixth dimension planet. Because of the
drama being played out here it fell to the third dimension and people
became stuck here as the law of karma took over. The sixth dimension is
Christ consciousness and also sacred geometry. Our earth was created
through sacred geometry which manifests in nature as six sided objects like
snowflakes and crystals. A crystal is the White Christ Light in solid form.
The Gods also used light and sound to create.
The eight dimension is where the galactic council resides. They
are the ones who make the decisions on how our galaxy is run. Their ships
are invisible to us because they vibrate at such a high frequency. When
they lower their frequencies we are able to see them. When we raise our
frequencies to a higher level we will be able to walk and talk with the
masters as we will be part of them.
Dimensions are separated by wavelength much as the notes are on a musical scale.
Each tone on the scale sounds different because of its wavelength. It is also the same
as changing channels on your TV. When you operate the remote, you are tuning to different
Each dimension is also separated from the others by a 90 degree rotation. If you could
change wavelengths and rotate 90 degrees, you would become invisible. You would disappear
from this world and reappear in whatever dimension you were tuned to.The images you see
looking out from your eyes would change according to the wavelength of the world you had
entered. This planet has many different worlds; They are all here, but our consciousness
is tuned to one particular wavelength. Meanwhile, we literally exist on all dimensional
levels and our experience on each level is completely different.
The key to understanding how to move from one dimensional level to another begins with
locating the form of a star tetrahedron, which is the basis of an amazing entity called
the Merkaba.
Those living in the third dimension can easily access the fifth
dimension which is one of thought and is considered the mental plane.
Now that we are moving through the fourth dimension of emotions and
control issues, we can easily reach into the sixth dimension of Christ
The process of ascension is raising our consciousness so our
higher self can descend and enter our body. This is when we become
complete beings able to access all realms. Jesus accomplished this when
he manifested the Christ consciousness. In this new age we will all
become Christ's as we will be able to teach into the higher realms. This is
possible now for those who open their heart to the Christ energies. This is
what the six pointed Star of David represents, it's the merging of spirit
into matter. The down pointing triangle is spirit and the triangle pointing
up is matter. When the two meet we become complete beings. The
number seven is spirit descending into matter, the point within the Star of
The spirit of the seventh dimension descends to the sixth where it
encompasses the Christ energy. Then it descends to the fifth or the
dimension of thought. After that it moves to the fourth or the dimension of
emotion. (e-motion- enrage in motion0> Then if manifests in the third or
physical dimension. that is why everything happens in the astral first and
that is how we create with our thoughts. Your spirit, your thoughts and
your emotions need to be healed first in order to stay healed in the third
Some ways to heal yourself of past emotional trauma from this life
and past lives is to put yourself in a triangle, inside a circle, and ask your
guides and your higher self to release all negative energy patterns from
your space. After that, picture yourself in a thick solid White Christ Light
Bubble. Invite your higher self, your intuition and your subconscious
inside this bubble, picture them in a triangle (trinity). Then use your mind
to create the reality you would like to live in. Now ask your higher self,
your intuition and your subconscious to move your consciousness into the
pattern of this new reality. thank them for their help.
It's important to create a sacred space for yourself that you can
retreat to every day. This could be a place in your mind, your home or
apartment or your room. Make this space as peaceful and loving as
possible. This gives you a sanctuary to retreat to when life becomes too
hectic. This is the secret to remaining balanced as the earth continues
through it's birthing process.
I create my sacred space by putting myself in a bubble of White
Christ Light and then filling it with the pink light of love. I then see this
rose pink light flowing through my body and filling every cell. Then I
create a dome for my house and yard and fill that with the pink light of
love. I find music very relaxing so I include that n my sacred space. We're
all different, so create your space any way that feels good to you.
May you walk in the light and love of God. So be it!